Can a shower ever be as nice as a bath?

Sometimes you just want a nice relaxing bath …but you don’t have a bath, you only have a shower! Never fear, it is still possible to have your few moments of peace in a shower. In fact, I have to admit that I prefer it! I can stand feeling the shower drumming on my head and back for a lot longer than I can sit in a bath.
There are a few tips and tricks to help make your shower relaxing. Starting off with what should be reasonably obvious, get cleaning! A nice clean bathroom may not seem like it is vital to a relaxing shower, but a dirty one will ruin the mood.


Get the temperature right

Ironically, a hot shower isn’t always the best option. I admit, it is relaxing, but actually a warm shower is better for your skin. A cold shower is the best for circulation, hair and skin and can reinvigorate you, but let’s be realistic – who wants a cold shower to relax! Just go with whatever feels best for you.
Lighting candles can help to set the mood, along with some relaxing music. Just be careful here! Remember there is a lot of water and steam around, so keep the electronics well away, and candles need to go in holders and away from anything flammable. Fortunately, in the bathroom there should be plenty of tiled surfaces which are perfect to place a few candles.

Scents to relax or invigorate

One relaxation method I miss from a bath is having the scents from salts in the water. Well there’s no reason to stop in the shower! If you have salts, you can place them in the bottom of the shower tray, or get some liquid essence which you can drop around the shower. I personally always enjoy a Lavender and Eucalyptus oil mix to sooth aching joints and muscles.

It’s a slightly unusual one, but I enjoy sitting down in the shower! I just close my eyes and let the water run over me and let my imagination run wild…a waterfall in the Caribbean? Why not! If you are not comfortable on the floor, or not flexible enough to be sitting down in the shower then don’t be afraid to take a patio or lawn chair in there.

Just as you would in a bath, don’t be afraid to take a drink in there with you.  Personally I am not a fan, I prefer to make a hot drink and have it waiting for me along with a warm dressing gown as I get out, and it stops the cold rush of air ruining all the benefits.