Is Your Bathroom Ready For Winter?

Winter is one of the harshest times of year for both people and their homes. We are much more exposed to more severe weather elements such as frost, wind, snow and bitter temperatures. The room that faces the most issues around wintertime is the bathroom. It is the room that it often used to warm up in and the room that faces a catalogue of problems; many of which can be weather related.

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When it comes to high humidity and moisture, there is no room more susceptible to this than the bathroom. During the winter months, and often the months leading up to this, we start to rely more on our central heating to keep warm. This can lead to more excessive moisture problems that if left untreated, can easily lead to very severe issues such as black mould. Black mould is extremely hazardous and can cause many health problems to you, as well as expensive damage to your property.

The main source of moisture in your bathroom is your shower. When you have a hot shower there will be a lot of steam released into the air – this obviously needs somewhere to go and this place is your walls predominantly, and your ceilings. Without having an extractor fan the moisture can become condensed and then be apparent on almost every bathroom surface, especially mirrors and windows. It is winter when this problem becomes worse and this is because the windows and outer walls of the room are much cooler – due to the cold winter air. We also limit natural ventilation by tending to keep bathroom windows shut during this time.

So what should you do?

A good ceiling extractor is of the essence to prevent condensation and moisture problems. You should have this turned on not just during your shower, but also for some time after it to allow the remaining excess moisture a place to go. You should clean your fan regularly to prevent clogging, which would make in insufficient to do the job. Also, after each shower use a cloth or squeegee to wipe down the surfaces that are wet.

Prior to the winter season it is a good idea to examine your bathroom for any damaged tiles, grout or sealant. If repairs are necessary you could find the products needed at a local DIY store, or hire in a plumber. Any signs of black mould need to be treated straight away; this is something that will only get worse if left.