3 Intriguing Bathroom Patent Applications

Think you know what to expect when you step into your bathroom? Then think again, as these 3 patent applications show, for you can never have too many creative product ideas for this room it seems.

The Telegraph has recently covered these few new patent applications, all designed to boost your bathroom visits and enhance comfort, hygiene and overall experience. So take a look and let us know what your views are.

1. Feet washer

Have you ever wished you could wash and blow dry your feet as you wash your hands? Then Moin Azmi from Manchester has the patent for you – a basin that not only takes care of your hands but your feet too. Built to function as a normal sink, this patented device also has an inbuilt area for your feet to go. While you might be thinking this sounds perfect for the summer, when you’re wearing flip flops and sandals, it’s been designed with Muslims in mind, for the ritual cleansing of face, hands, arms and feet prior to praying.



2. Accident preventer

For young males who want to imitate their fathers but aren’t quite ready to make the transition from nappy to pants, Stephen Holder from Torquay has the perfect patent. Basically a nappy with a front flap, this neat product enables users to wear it as a normal nappy with the flap closed, as it’s watertight then, and a pair of pants with the flap down to reveal an opening.

3. Bottom cleanser

If you worry about how hygienic most loo roll dispensers are then it’s time to relax – Roger Kerr from Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire has decided it’s time for a different type of dispenser and has applied for a patent for one that automatically squirts sanitising liquid onto each sheet of loo roll as you take it. And there’s even a heating element to ensure the liquid isn’t shockingly cold on the paper either.

Bathrooms are one of the most regularly used rooms in a house so it’s important to have one that is comfortable for you. What features do you like to see in a bathroom? For the majority, a nice bath tub, shower cubicle, towel rail, basin and mirror might suffice, but for others something out of the ordinary is desired. If you’re thinking about making changes to your bathroom’s design, take a look at these bathroom products for initial inspiration.